News item: Released by the author Joachim Mink for immediate publication,
also in the internet. In this case together with a
link to Studio Goldmine®, please.
Press photos press contact
"Studio Goldmine® - fun and success for all"
"From a new typ of idea invented by Joachim Mink, an artist of Weinheim
near Heidelberg/Germany, and with the motto "fun and success for all" the visitors and participants of the new
created bilingual website can profit just in many respects. Beside the possibility to
enjoy the exclusive paintings in the onlinegallery, you can purchase it "pixel by pixel", you can
cooperate together with participants from all nations by changing it, you can make advertising
and you can speculate on profit by reselling the "artpixel".
The heart of the innovative idea, devised by Joachim Mink, is therefore, to sell his pictures not only as original
or as art print as before in his studio, but to market it easily pixel by pixel for less then 1
Cent/pixel worldwide in the Internet.
If you buy the artpixel at you get rights of advertising on a choosed picture detail
and several links. At the same time the picture detail will be changed. - Virtual art in the Internet come into
being in teamwork together with participants from all nations - unequaled and very effektive.
The high spot: The acquired rights of advertising could be resold any time from it's owners.
Similar like stocks it is allowed to speculate with it... Best condition for the resale with
profit is a limiting to 100 pictures of 100 pixelpacks (picture details) and guaranteed increasing issue
prices. The first participants should be able to achieve the greatest success
for itself.
Because the singularity of this innovative idea and the fact, that worldwide really each
pc-user from home is able to take part without any risk and without any artistic proficiency,
Joachim Mink expect after a short initial period a lively participation and a great succes for all
person concerned and hope to increase the sales of his art studio even up to one million and more.
And who is aquainted with the Milliondollarhompage, knows, that an english student for
a faint similar idea got in no time so much participants, that it was already sold out in only 5 month.
On you get beside further detail
infos and with a little luck your own artpixel even gratis. Yes. A visit in the web is
worth if only because of the excellent watercolors and drawings. One of the exhibits was distinguish
from the world-famous designer Luigi Colani with the attribute super.
Inquisitive? - Then allow yourself this real treat of pictorial arts.
Already with your visit you promote besides
the exclusive virtual art of Joachim Mink and all participants. The Lord Mayor of Weinheim, Heiner Bernhard,
and his official in charge, wish "much success and a good progress" at the project start to the
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