Translation of Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
Version 1, Stand 16. 8. 2007
(General Terms Of Business)
Should the english translation be different from the german, the german one is in force.
Area of validity:
This terms be valid for all sites wich are published on and are binding upon all visiters,
participants and the person running Studio Goldmine®,
Joachim Mink,
following called only Studio Goldmine®, as long as till a newer version is
coming into force. German rights and the jurisdictions, which are competend for Weinheim, are in force. If the
law don't provides something else, the following is arranged:
With the purchase of artpixel (pixelpacks) you get rights of advertising at a special virtual picture detail,
how described at idea. This rights belongs the pixelpacks owner till he sells
his artpixel, or at the longest till the end of life from You get no rights on real
paintings expressly.
The benefitpixelpacks are fited out with atractive rights and are sold for a supreme price offer or are auctioned.
The proceeds is given by Studio Goldmine®, not by the purchaser of the
benefitpixelpack. Studio Goldmine® commit itself to give the proceeds for the
public benefit and grant the purchaser of the benefit pixelpack the choice which of the organizations should get
the money.
Till the end of life of this project are 10.000 pixelpacks issued at the most. For this 100 virtual paintings
of Joachim Mink (or other artists) are used as basis of the artpixel at the most.
End of life of this project:
The website will be managed least guaranteed till 31. 12. 2012. It is to be managed also still
longer. For this Studio Goldmine® isn`t still bound.
After the end of life of this project Studio Goldmine® could lay down new
terms/guarantees. Important modifcations will be announced with a suitable period of time.
Virtual paintings:
Should it be necessary for any reasen by third, to remove single pictures from, so
Studio Goldmine® is entitled for it, if it provide a replacement. Studio
Goldmine® will try, to find a adequate one.
But only Studio Goldmine® desides, what is adequate.
Decision authority:
Studio Goldmine® decides, who get artpixel. In a conflict case Studio
Goldmine® have the final say. Also Studio
Goldmine is allowed to withdraw the rights on artpixels, if their owner offend against law and order in the
connection with the Studio Goldmine® project or the linked websites, without
that it have to pay any reimbursement.
Websites, links, addresses of the participants:
Only websites, links and addresses of the participants are allowed, which content don't offend against law and
Rights of return:
A right of return is in force for 14 days at online business, only if products and services are not used or
are not extra produced on customers order. Because when buying artpixel the invoice is sent after publishing
the links, created for the purchaser, Studio Goldmine® isn't bound by law to
take back artpixel and pay the issue price back. Divergent from this, Studio
Goldmine® can grant voluntary a right of return as a special service of
course. Look at warranty.
Performance guarantee:
Studio Goldmine® bind itself, to produce the on assured
The prices of the performance, offered by Studio Goldmine® are shown in a
separate pricelist.
Studio Goldmine® may claim, that the participant/customer pay the
booking fee.
Studio Goldmine® is entitled to demand back the (booking) fee etc., caused by a
back posting etc. from the participant/customer or from his bankinstitute/online-payingservice/etc., from the
participant/customer together with a suitable service fee.
Liability/liability limitation:
Studio Goldmine® is only liable for the production of the self given
performance, maximum up to the original issue
price. A more sweeping liability is excluded. Should performances, which are assured by Studio
Goldmine®, fail complete or partial because the acting of third, if or the websites of the participants aren't available for a time for example, Studio
Goldmine® couldn't be made liable. For the content of linked websites and
also of minihomepages exclusive the respective owners are responsible.
The person running Studio Goldmine® has the permission, to resale this project
completely or as a part together with all rights and duties belonging to it any time.
Severability clause:
Should this General Terms Of Business become inoperative in parts, so the rest stays valid.