Now I want to call your attention to a essential detail of my pictures, which I insert there since 1998:
It is the "separated triangle" in the right picture corner below.
Mostly it is gold-plated by hand with gold leaf. In any case it contrasts plain to the other picture area.
This separated triangle forms together with the main picture area a whole. The "overall picture" therefore
will be formed from two partial areas, that is the triangle area and a rectangle without triangle area, you now.
What is the meaning of the triangle?
This triangle is a symbol for a partial area of the life, which don't find any space in our consciousness. It is
hidden from us therefore.
The main area of the picture together with its content however has the meaning for everything, that we notice at
once and let it in our consciousness.
If there is anything in our life therefore, what withdraw itself from our consciousness, so we can ask, how is that
possible at all.
Well, this is connected with the "polar thinking" and our peculiarity, to indentify us only with a
partial aspect of life.
By way of explanation I want to say: With polar thinking I mean the thinking in contrasts. We distinguish between
warm and cold, light and dark, big and small, good and bad and so on. In this our capability for cognition is
founded on. We all think at this way and everybody, who says "I" for the first time, demarcate himself
at the same time from his environment, the opposite from the self. Such couples of contrast are always related
to each other and they form a whole together. Alone, they are senseless.
This polarity I have transfered on my pictures, as I assigned each of the both partial areas of the overall picture
one half of the couples of contrast.
In both of my watercolors Introversion and
Extraversion as soon as in the watercolor shown above
Eins plus eins gleich eins I go into the facts of polarity especialy.
The respective main meaning of the first called watercolors is compared the evident contrast below in the corner.
The spiral or snail respectively symbolize Introversion, the wriggleing something, let's call it fertility
symbol, means Extraversion. The big spiral is compared the small fertility symbol, the big fertility symbol
is compared the small spiral.
- By the way, both symbols are hidden in a lot of my pictures. -
In the pictures Introversion and
Extraversion as soon as in most of my works of art
there is a plain difference of the dimensions between the both painted areas. There the triangle is very small,
the other area is big in comparison. This imbalance of the areas in the pictures symbolize the imbalance the
couples of contrast are represented in our consciousness often. Because we have a tendency to identify us with only
one part and lose the other one easily out of our field of vision at the same time. For example we like it to
count us to the "good", the "bad" are the others, of course... And that is self-deception,
so much is certain, because we all couldn't be only "good", but also we are always "bad".
If I eat a delicious salat, I have a innocent plant on the conscience. And this is my fault. But the plant isn't
innocent at all, because it took away the light and the nutrient from the parsley in the garden, so that the
parsley had to go under...
Here in the picture Eins plus eins gleich eins, which hold a special position in my works till now, is
balance between the couples of contrast. That means, both of the areas have the same size and both of them give
away it's content. Therefore the content too, which lies behind the triangle in secret otherwise and slumbers in
the repression, comes to light here. In the picture background we make out man and woman. They form the male and
female pole. As a couple they
form in tows a whole, a unit, like the title suggests. They belongs to each other like a key and a lock. Each
all allone would be senseless. Further examples of couples of contrast, you can discover in this watercolor, are
day and night, peaceableness and aggression, symbolized by sheep and axe and also here "Introversion" and
"Extraversion" once more. The blue red sphere in the centre of this work of art calls associations
to Yin and Yang, the both cosmic basic strength of the chinese philosophy of life, in which is the knowledge about
polarity and whole or perfection respectively laid down since thousands of years already. With picturesque methods
I suggested the polarity here in this picture with the reduction on the colors blue and red, which are in contrast
with each other, as soon as with the contrast between spatial execution in the upper picture area and areal execution
in the lower picture area.
It would be nice, if we couldn't find balance only in this picture, but also would allow in our consciousness
always both poles of each couple of contrast and would combine it so to perfection, to grow and to ripen on
it by ourselves.
And now I come back to my "separated triangle", which symbolize the hidden half of the couple of contrast.
Therefore this triangle shall encourage for it, not only to deal with the picture motif, but to deal also with its
contrast, which lies in secret: What is shown in the picture and what is it's contrast?