The little frame, which has become visible since the first modification stage, will be removed completely in the next
modification step, unless the purchaser of this pixelpack send an own black-and-white photo, to cover the original
charcoal background again. To the photo there applies the following conditions:
- Color: Black-and-white, as similar as posible to the pixelpack ground, consider outlines and brightness
- Motif: free, mustn't offend against law and order or be offensive, no text
- Size: 60x45 pixel, horizontal format, maximally 5 kByte
- Format: jpg, gif, no animation
- Copyright/right to use: The photo should be made by yourself. With sending Studio
Goldmine® get 1. the right to use for publishing the photo at
the pixelpack place concerned, as long as you apply for a modification and 2. the permission, adapt the
photo to the pixelpack ground. The sender is legally responsible for the published photo.
- You can send also photos, which depart evident in color, size or format from the precondition. For the
adaptation then you have to pay a fee.
Aim of the whole is, to give every participant the possibility, to bring in still more
creativity in the motif "Strandidylle", which should be recognize through 100 single pictures as
higher structure. The charcoal painting "Strandidylle" will experience in the course of time a
constant change and carry the handwriting of the participants.
If the
benefit pixelpack
13E7 is sold, it will be marked with a "B". If the
joker pixelpack
is drawn, it will be marked with a "J". Because of that, these both pixelpacks attract more attention later.
Choose the motif detail with the mousepointer, notice pixelpack-no. and
The charcoal painting I do already in 1995 and it should convey a little pleasure of life.
Who of us don't know from his own experience, that he believes to be lost in the everyday same old routine?
Watched separately a special detail from a proceeding, from the course of the day, from a life or from an
optical impression could be very interesting or exciting thoroughly. But if this detail repead itself all the time,
so it will be boring. If this repetition will be continued on and on in spite of boredom, so it begins to hurt.
If this still goes on a damage sets in, or worse, a destruktion. Are we caught in such a monotony, we have
secretly a hunch, how could it be so nice otherwise and we are longing to this away. But what is it, that keep
us prisoner in such monotonies? Are that external necessitys, are that social conventions or are that inner barriers?
Do we want to stay caught or must we stay caught in such monotonies, or do we make it, to relieve us? Are we content with
a boredom, behind it, camouflage as "top secret", the high living is hide, or do we venture, to disclose
the secret?